Major Debate on ‘League of Legends’: Objectives Overlooked by Junglers this Season

An epic discussion hits the 'League of Legends' gaming community. Is objectivity losing its touch in the current season?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the latest buzz around the ‘League of Legends’ universe, Junglers have been called into question for supposedly avoiding the all-important objectives this season. A post by SpookyRatCreature triggered a storm of opinions.


  • The post maker emphasizes the game-changing significance of objectives including herald and void grubs.
  • Observations have been made about behaviour indicating neglect of objectives by Junglers across multiple games.
  • SpookyRatCreature does admit that this could be a symptom of the season’s start, adding a dash of salt to the heated discussion.

Breaking Down the Situation

Our good friend SpookyRatCreature claims that despite setting up objectives with vision and pushing lanes for prio, Junglers turn a blind eye to objectives. They seem to be at odds with the location of the objectives, appearing topside when Drag is up, or botside when Herald is up. Rather unexpected scenario, isn’t it?

Reactions from the Players

Skrub55 cheekily alludes to the Jungler’s rank by asking if it’s silver since it isn’t Iron or Bronze, hinting at a dismissive outlook towards the issue. Similarly, Boosterlikesboobs follows the line of reasoning with a similar query. However, some like PiccolosPickles and The-UnwantedRR express doubt on the consistency of reported lack of objective pursuit.

Analysing the Gameplay

Striking_Material696 offers a nuanced view that pre-20 minute objectives are probably less important this season than before, underlining the change in significance of grubs and heralds. More insightful gameplay strategies are shared by Boudynasr, including potential advantage timings and nerfed jungle damage to epic monsters.

While there is a broad spectrum of perspectives, the consensus is elusive, and the case of the vanishing Jungler continues to perplex the ‘League of Legends’ community. Strategically securing objectives or smartly manoeuvring to win over the enemy; it’s the thrill of these split-second decisions that keep us coming back for more. Now, does anyone have sight on that Jungler?