M600 Spitfire: Apex Legends Weapon Guide

The M600 Spitfire does, as its name suggests, spit a lot of fire. So, for those looking to delete their enemies from existence, there’s no better choice.

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Ursine Warrior

The M600 Spitfire looks an awful lot like the lovechild between a Minimi and the M249. But, as the old saying goes, “imitation is the best form of flattery.” And when it comes to the design at least, there’s nothing quite as aesthetic as the Spitfire. So, good job to the devs.

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So, What can the M600 Spitfire do?

Everything! … Not exactly. While the Spitfire might be a great gun, it does have its shortcomings. It takes Light Rounds, but like all weapons that use Light Rounds, it chews through them pretty fast! That is one of its biggest drawbacks. So, unless you’re playing as an assault class Legend (or you like hauling a lot of ammo around), you probably won’t prefer it over another weapon like the R-301.

Here’s the thing though. The satirical, “Everything!”, at the beginning of this part wasn’t entirely satirical. The M600 Spitfire has a good damage per bullet, a respectable fire rate, exceptional magazine capacity, and is decent at longer-ranged engagements as well as close-range encounters. Being a jack of all trades, it doesn’t specialize in any one of those. So, kind of like the Volt SMG, it’s good in a variety of situations, but hardly excels in any one of them. 

The Stats of the M600 Spitfire

Let’s see what this baby can do.

Head (1.5x)2746789
HeadLvl. 12546789
HeadLvl. 223578910
HeadLvl. 3/4215891011
Legs (0.85x)15710121415

All in all, pretty respectable damage per bullet.  Slightly better than the L-Star, so, not the lowest damage when it comes to machine guns. One thing that I find hilarious is how an L-Star with an epic magazine will still have less of a magazine size than a stock Spitfire. Then again, the L-Star doesn’t have a magazine size, it just has a specific amount of rounds that it can fire before overheating, which arguably is a comically small amount. 

Attachments for the M600 Spitfire

When it comes to attachments, the Spitfire is exceptional for all the wrong reasons, i.e, it only has 3 attachment slots. These are:

  • Extended Light Mag
  • Standard Stock
  • 1x HCOG “Classic”
  • 1x Holo
  • 1x-2x Variable Holo
  • 2x HCOG “Bruiser”
  • 3x HCOG “Ranger”
  • 2x-4x Variable AOG

Ideal M600 Set-Up

Start off by finding a Legendary Extended Light Mag as soon as possible. Then, you can move on to finding either a 2x-4x Variable AOG or a 1x-2x Variable Holo. In the end, grab an epic Standard Stock.

The lack of a barrel stabilizer really hampers the Spitfire, but then again, you probably shouldn’t be having engagements that are longer than your throwing distance with the spitfire. But wait, I hear you ask. “Didn’t you say earlier that the Spitfire is great for longer-range engagements?”

Yes, I did, and I’ll get into that below.

Think Like a Machine Gunner, not a Sniper

When using the M600 Spitfire, you have to think like a machine gunner, not like a sniper. What is effective fire at range for a machine gunner is completely the opposite of what is effective fire for a sniper at range. Effective fire for a machine gunner is the ability to send out a lot of rounds down range and keep the enemy suppressed. While effective fire for a sniper is the ability to use as few rounds as possible to take out the enemy target at range. 

M600 Spitfire Inspect
Image Via Apex Legends In-Game Screenshot

Now, you might be asking. “But Apex Legends doesn’t have a suppression mechanic?” And you’d be correct. But, what Apex Legends does have is a relatively short time to kill, sometimes, just a few seconds are enough. So, if the enemy is shooting a hail of bullets at you, you’d want to get away from it as fast as possible. And since Apex is also such a time-sensitive game, by drawing attention to yourself, you give your allies the chance to flank your opponents. 

Potential Balance Changes for the M600 Spitfire in the Future

The king of the LMGs isn’t the Spitfire, that title goes to the Devotion. But, the Spitfire has the potential to be. All that would take for it to usurp this title would be to bump up its damage by a slight margin, or alternatively, bump up its fire rate. 

Another change that we might see that would come as a surprise is to increase its magazine capacity while retaining its remaining stats. That would only exacerbate its ammo consumption problems, but hey, if you can “spit fire” for days, then who cares?