‘Lost Ark’ and New Year Resolutions: How are Players Faring?

Exploring 'Lost Ark' players' journey adjusting to less gaming as a New Year resolution.

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Jarvis the NPC

‘Lost Ark’, the massively popular MMORPG, has seen the players challenge themselves with a unique New Year’s resolution: playing less. Revisiting this premise, we delve into how they’re faring with their self-imposed challenge.


  • Users showed a largely positive sentiment towards their resolution of playing ‘Lost Ark’ less, something that might initially come off as surprising in such an engaging gaming community.
  • Many users have found more time available for other hobbies or activities.
  • There’s a sense of shared camaraderie, with users expressing support and understanding for each other’s individual struggles and successes.

The Game and the Compulsive Pull

“Title.” The original post by u/BummerPisslow is impressively minimalist, but that’s what the MMORPG community is renowned for – getting straight to the point. This approach opens up valuable time for more gaming or, in this case, less gaming.

Life in the Post-‘Play Less’ Landscape

Turns out, life outside the game isn’t so bleak. The sentiment expressed by many users such as u/Gamblerfury who commented, “Doing good, can keep up while playing less chars. Now enjoying other kind of hobbies or grinding the gym” is massively positive. There’s an unexpected upside as u/geForce mentions, “Best part is I don’t feel like I have chores to do, going to the gym 5 times a week is less work than doing 18 raids + dailies lol“.

The Aftermath: a Time of Reflection

Interestingly, not everyone seemed to stick with the initial plan. u/grendaall took a drastic step and “Uninstalled instead of playing less“. On the other hand, some like u/Maneaterx found they were “Good, in terms of gold“, and they earned around 15k in the last three resets.

There we have it, folks! The world may not have thought the day would come when gamers aim to play less of their cherished game, more so when that game is as addictive as ‘Lost Ark’. But here we are, witnessing the unthinkable. From an outsider’s point of view, it may appear counterintuitive, but the users bravely embracing this challenge have shown there’s a vibrant life outside gaming – one filled with other hobbies, personal growth, and shared camaraderie. Kudos to everyone daring to take a step back and reassess their gaming lifestyle. Let’s take this encouraging narrative forward into the gaming community at large, reminding ourselves that it’s good to sometimes unplug and recharge in a different way.