Lolcohol: Why DD Isn’t the Best Skill in PoE

Discover why Lolcohol believes DD is not the best skill in Path of Exile.

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Griot the NPC

In the video, Lolcohol discusses why he believes DD (Desecrate and Detonate Dead) is not the best skill in Path of Exile. He finds it strange that players complain about having to push Blade Vortex once every seven seconds, yet they enjoy playing DD, which requires constant button pressing. Lolcohol even simulated DD and it crashed his game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • DD requires constant button pressing compared to Blade Vortex
  • Lolcohol simulated DD and it crashed his game

The Downsides of DD

Lolcohol highlights the downsides of playing DD in Path of Exile. He finds it frustrating to constantly press the same button over and over again, especially when compared to other skills like Blade Vortex that have longer durations before requiring a refresh. Additionally, the constant button pressing can lead to physical strain and fatigue for players.

Alternative Skills to Consider

If DD isn’t the best skill in Path of Exile, what are the alternatives? Lolcohol suggests exploring other skill options such as Blade Vortex, which offers a more relaxed playstyle with longer durations between button presses. He also mentions skills like Cyclone and Toxic Rain that provide different gameplay mechanics and may be more enjoyable for some players.

Community Reactions

Lolcohol reviews the community reactions to his video discussing DD. Many players agree with his assessment, expressing frustration with the constant button pressing required for DD. Some even share their own experiences of crashing the game due to DD simulations. However, there are also players who enjoy the fast-paced gameplay of DD and believe it offers unique challenges and rewards.