Level Up Your Gameplay in Apex Legends with These Controller Setting Changes

Find out how to enhance your gunplay in Apex Legends with these essential controller setting changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are discussing the controller setting changes that have significantly improved their gameplay. Whether it’s swapping buttons or adjusting sensitivities, these changes can make a big impact on your performance.


  • Swapping melee and crouch can prevent accidental actions mid-fight.
  • Upgrading to controllers with paddles can provide a significant boost to gameplay.
  • Setting up buttons for quick access without removing thumbs from joysticks is crucial.

Enhanced Gunplay

Players recommend raising cursor sensitivity for faster interactions like ammo pickups and shield swaps. A small adjustment that can lead to significant improvements in gameplay efficiency.

Paddle Power

Switching to controllers with paddles is highlighted as a game-changer, offering extra buttons for crouch, jump, interact, and more without compromising movement or aiming.

Button Remapping

Remapping buttons, such as using L1 & R1 for quicker aim and shoot actions, or binding jump and reload to different buttons, can elevate your gameplay to match that of pro players.

Players are exploring various setups to optimize their controller settings, aiming for fluid and precise gameplay experiences in Apex Legends.