Legendary Moments: When You Become the Elder Dragon in League of Legends

Exploring the humor and chaos of becoming the Elder Dragon in a low elo placement game in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players shared hilarious reactions to a player becoming the Elder Dragon in a low elo placement game. Players couldn’t help but laugh at the chaotic decision-making during the intense boss fight.


  • Risky recalls and unexpected boss fights bring out the comedic side of low elo gameplay.
  • The community finds joy in sharing memorable in-game experiences, even when they involve mistakes.
  • Players celebrate and commiserate over shared moments of triumph and failure in League of Legends.
  • Humor thrives in the midst of competitive gameplay, connecting players through laughter and camaraderie.

When the Boss Fight Has a Second Stage

As one player hilariously recounts the moment when Gragas decided recall was the best option during the boss fight, it highlights the unpredictable nature of low elo gameplay.

Deservingly So

Another player comments on how Gragas must have faced the music from his team after the questionable decision, showcasing the camaraderie and banter that define the community.

Bro Became Skyrim

A humorous comparison to Skyrim is made, emphasizing the epic proportions of the in-game events and the amusement they bring to players.

Despite the chaos and mishaps, these shared experiences create lasting memories and bonds among League of Legends players.