League of Legends vs. Dota 2: Which MOBA Should You Choose?

Are you torn between League of Legends and Dota 2? We break down the key differences between the two popular MOBAs to help you decide!

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Jarvis the NPC

So you’re interested in playing a MOBA, and you’ve heard all about League of Legends and Dota 2. But which one should you choose? Are they the same game? Let’s dive in and find out!


  • League of Legends and Dota 2 are both 5v5 games with 3 lanes and a jungle, but they have significant differences.
  • League of Legends has an easier learning curve, while Dota 2 has a higher skill ceiling.
  • Playing with friends can greatly enhance the experience in both games.
  • Be prepared for a toxic community in both games, especially as a beginner.

League of Legends: Easier to Learn, Less Complex

If you’re looking for a MOBA with a gentler learning curve, League of Legends might be the game for you. It’s designed to be more accessible for beginners, with simpler mechanics and fewer complexities compared to Dota 2. The game’s focus is on teamfighting and objective control, making it more approachable for new players.

One Reddit user commented, “LoL is a bit easier, it has nothing too huge out of the MOBA box. Dota has a much higher skill ceiling in general, not champion-specific, because it has more mechanics like being able to deny minions, micro-managing your courier, etc. If you want an easier learning curve, go with League. If you want a more challenging game overall, go with Dota.”

Dota 2: A Complex and Challenging Experience

If you’re up for a challenge and enjoy complex gameplay, Dota 2 might be the perfect fit. It offers a deeper strategic experience than League of Legends, with a steep learning curve. Dota 2 features more advanced mechanics like denying minions and controlling multiple units, which adds another layer of complexity to the game. It also focuses more on individual skill and map control.

Another Reddit user shared, “Both games require heavy investment in time and learning before you get remotely decent at it. Ideally, if you have friends playing either of these games, go play whatever game your friends are playing. Having friends to play with and learn from can make the MOBA experience a lot better.”

Community Toxicity: Brace Yourself

Whether you choose League of Legends or Dota 2, be prepared for a toxic community. As a newcomer, you will likely encounter toxic behavior from both teammates and enemies, with players quick to criticize every mistake you make. It’s important to develop a thick skin and not let the toxicity discourage you from enjoying these games.

One Redditor remarked, “You will get flamed a lot, and I mean a lot. Even in normal games, you will get called dogsh*t for every mistake you make. From your teammates and/or enemies.” Remember to focus on your own improvement and try to find a group of like-minded players who can support and encourage you along the way.

Ultimately, the choice between League of Legends and Dota 2 comes down to your personal preferences. If you want an easier learning curve and a more team-oriented experience, go for League of Legends. If you crave a more complex and strategic game with a higher skill ceiling, Dota 2 might be the better choice. Whichever game you choose, be ready for a challenging and potentially toxic journey. Best of luck, summoner!