League of Legends: Victorious Kog’Maw Skin Spotlight – Fan Reactions

Fan reactions to the leaked Victorious Kog'Maw skin spotlight are mixed with critiques on design and relevance.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent League of Legends post about the leaked Victorious Kog’Maw skin spotlight, fans have differing opinions on the new skin.


  • Community divided over whether Kog’Maw skin fits the ‘Victorious’ theme
  • Criticism on design being too cute for a void creature
  • Concerns raised about the direction of future ‘Victorious’ skins

Fan Reactions

Many fans expressed disappointment in the Victorious Kog’Maw skin, feeling that it deviated too much from the traditional ‘Victorious’ theme. Some users critiqued the design, noting that the skin appeared more ‘cute’ than fitting for a menacing void creature like Kog’Maw.

Design Critique

One fan mentioned, ‘They barely even tried on the animations here,’ highlighting concerns about the effort put into the skin. Another user disliked Riot’s trend of making everything either ‘cute or sexy,’ feeling that it didn’t align with Kog’Maw’s character.

Future Skins

There were concerns about the future direction of ‘Victorious’ skins, with comments suggesting that if the trend continues, the quality of future skins may suffer. Some users hoped for better skin choices, with one user expressing anticipation for a better Sona skin.

Despite the criticisms, a few users found the skin visually appealing, showcasing the diversity of opinions within the community. Tactics and strategies for choosing skins can vary greatly from player to player, indicating the broad spectrum of preferences within the League of Legends player base.