League of Legends: Trial of the Demon King | Immortalized Legend Ahri Skin Trailer

Get ready for the ultimate Ahri skin transformation with some hilarious reactions from League of Legends players.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are buzzing with excitement over the new Immortalized Legend Ahri skin trailer. The latest addition to the game’s skin line-up has got everyone talking about the potential revenue boost for Riot Games and the impact it may have on Faker’s legendary status.


  • Players predict the revenue spike for Riot Games with the release of the Immortalized Legend Ahri skin.
  • Faker’s influence in the League of Legends community is highlighted with discussions about dedicated skins.
  • The debate on supporting the game developers by purchasing skins brings a mix of humor and admiration.

New Skin Hype

Many players are already speculating on the economic impact the Immortalized Legend Ahri skin will have on Riot Games. With comments like ‘money printer go brrrrrrrr’ and ‘They’re gonna make so much money,’ it’s clear that the skin’s release is expected to bring in a significant revenue boost for the company.

Eternal Faker

The community is also reflecting on Faker’s status in the League of Legends world. With dedicated skins for various champions potentially linked to him, Faker continues to solidify his legendary position in the game. One player even humorously commented, ‘Faker will continue to use the default skin anyways.’

Supporting the GOAT

Some players, even if they don’t play Ahri, are considering purchasing the skin to support Faker, referring to him as the Greatest of All Time. This mix of loyalty and admiration for Faker’s contribution to the game is evident in comments like ‘Don’t play Ahri. But will probably get this to support the GOAT.’