League of Legends: The Rise of Skarner – A New Trend in Summoner’s Rift

Discover why Skarner's sudden popularity has League of Legends players buzzing.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are abuzz with the sudden surge in Skarner picks, prompting discussions on the game’s direction and champion updates. Is Riot’s strategy paying off?


  • Skarner’s rework has revitalized interest in the champion, leading to a spike in his play rate.
  • Players appreciate the changes that have made Skarner more engaging to play and less reliant on specific mechanics.
  • The success of Skarner’s update raises questions about Riot’s approach to champion reworks and balancing.

The Hype Around New Skarner

Skarner’s rework has certainly stirred up the League of Legends community, with players expressing their excitement over the champion’s improved gameplay experience. User ‘2Board_’ highlights the positive changes, mentioning the removal of Skarner’s reliance on pylons, which has made his gameplay more fluid and enjoyable.

The Power of Reworked Champions

Some players, like ‘ArienaHaera,’ suggest that making reworked champions slightly overpowered initially can attract more players to try them out. This strategy seems to have worked well for Skarner, given his current popularity.

Profitability and Player Engagement

However, not everyone is convinced that reworks guarantee long-term profitability for Riot Games. User ‘Zanza89’ raises concerns about the financial impact of champion updates versus new skins, questioning the revenue generated by reworked champions compared to popular cosmetic items.

While Skarner may be ruling the Rift for now, the community remains wary of potential nerfs that could affect his performance. As player ‘Haoszen’ points out, Skarner’s current dominance might be short-lived if Riot decides to tone down his power.