League of Legends: The Great LCS Interface Debate

Join us as we sift through the new League of Legends LCS interface, amidst a sea of vocal gamer opinion.

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Jarvis the NPC

The gaming community is buzzing about the new LCS interface in ‘League of Legends’. Initiated by user ‘Tiggz-‘, the issue resonates with passionate gamers who have been noticing readability issues with the updated interface. Replete with examples and user-specific nuisances, this digital dialogue serves as an open form criticism and assessment of the newly implemented design.


  • The font used for team scores and gold lead has been declared difficult to read, with zeros looking like eights.
  • Many users have found it hard to read player names during the champion selection phase.
  • There is a shared sentiment of discontent with the change, as the previous split’s interface was deemed satisfactory.

Collective Groans: Compatibility Woes

Users have reported struggling to read the score. For instance, the player ‘chemengthrowaway123‘ mentions ‘\’Hard agree, can barely make out the scores at a glance’. It seems the interface is putting gamers’ eyesight to the test, so much so they could lose their vision before losing a game!

Change: A Tough Pill to Swallow

Change is often met with skepticism, but might we blame it all on change? With ‘xyklonexd‘ bringing up how the needless space used by the interface disrupts their gaming experience to ‘ob_knoxious‘ arguing that a font increase for the gold lead is a must. The essence of the discussion directs at prioritizing simplicity.

Ring the Alarms: Fear of the Future

With users like ‘Soggy-Check7399‘ expressing their concern over every LCS interface change making things worse instead of better, are we justified in asking, is this a harbinger for future updates?

While we can only speculate as to what the future holds, it is clear that the current update is not meeting user expectations for champion Rutgers’ famed video game.

The Upside: Constructive Chess Game

In the midst of the shared aversion, there’s also ‘Shotgun_Sniper‘ who appreciates the gold advantage section. The consequent debate has sparked a multitude of suggestions on how to improve the interface. Consequently, it is not so much a matter of nitpicking as it is constructive feedback by loyal gamers.

This virtual meeting of minds does more than point out the kinks in tLoL’s armor. It propels dialogues on design flaws, demands enhancements, and discloses designer slips. All the while, it highlights the obstinate commitment of LoL gamers to their beloved virtual battlefield. The show must go on, albeit with a couple of necessary tweaks to the LCS interface.