League of Legends: The Great Discrepancy Between Splash Art and In-Game Models

Exploring the love-hate relationship players have with the visual consistency in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players often find themselves deceived by the mesmerizing splash art only to be let down by the lackluster in-game models. The stark contrast between expectations and reality can be quite jarring, leading to disappointment among the player base. One Reddit post delves into this very topic, sparking engaging discussions and shared experiences.


  • Players express frustration at the disparity between splash art and in-game models
  • Examples cited include Sivir, Xin, Diana, and more

Warrior Princess Sivir

Player lol_yuzu highlights the disappointment with the Warrior Princess Sivir skin, noting a significant difference from the splash art to the in-game appearance. The discrepancy in quality is a recurring theme among players, affecting their purchasing decisions.

Porcelain Kindred

Aggressive-Ad7946 points out the strange elongated neck of Porcelain Kindred, further exacerbating the mismatch between the aesthetic appeal of the splash art and the actual in-game representation. Such inconsistencies can disrupt player immersion.

Xin and Shyvana

Azanathal draws attention to the default models of Xin and Shyvana, reflecting on how these designs fail to capture the essence of the characters as portrayed in their splash art. The lack of consistency in visual storytelling can detract from the overall gameplay experience.