League of Legends: Sudden Impact Cooldown Backlash

Players are frustrated with the lack of cooldown display for Sudden Impact rune, leading to wasted opportunities.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are up in arms over the absence of cooldown indication for the Sudden Impact rune, causing confusion and frustration among the community.


  • Players demand clarity on Sudden Impact rune cooldown.
  • Lack of indicator leads to wasted runes and gameplay frustration.
  • Some players notice increased damage output with the rune.

Players’ Frustration

Many players expressed their frustration at the lack of cooldown display for Sudden Impact, likening it to playing a guessing game. A user, Dream_or_Truth, pointed out the rune’s newly introduced 10-second cooldown, emphasizing the inconvenience of having to manually count the time or risk wasting the rune.

Community Insights

Comments from Intensifyy and JavaShipped echoed the sentiment, highlighting the importance of clarity in rune mechanics to avoid unnecessary setbacks during gameplay. Intensifyy drew a parallel with the precision of Taste of Blood’s cooldown display, while JavaShipped emphasized the need for consistency across different runes.

In-Game Observations

Adding to the discussion, Fantastic_Video5682 shared an interesting observation regarding Sudden Impact’s damage output. The player noted a significant increase in damage, showcasing a potential unintended buff to the rune. This discovery sparked further debate within the community about the rune’s overall balance and impact on gameplay.