League of Legends: Predicting the 3 Top Champions for MSI

What champions will dominate MSI? Check out the top predictions and hot takes from the League of Legends community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a flurry of speculation and theorycrafting, the League of Legends community on Reddit is buzzing about the upcoming MSI. With predictions and debates flying left and right, everyone is eager to see which champions will rise to the top.


  • Azir nerfs might not deter pros from picking him consistently.
  • Expect KSante and Renekton to shine with Zac and Rek’Sai nerfs.
  • Debate on whether Jinx can rival Zeri as the top crit ADC.
  • Speculation on Ahri, Aurelion, and Akali potentially overshadowing Azir post-nerfs.

ScaryTroll12: The Rumble Enthusiast

ScaryTroll12 humorously suggests that the top lane meta will revolve around Rumble, Rumble, and more Rumble.

yukine95: A Shift in Mid Lane Priority

yukine95 predicts that champions like Ahri and Aurelion may surpass Azir in priority after the nerfs.

Xyrazk: All Hail Jarvan

Xyrazk exclaims that in international tournaments, all paths lead to the ever-popular Jarvan.

MrTankerson: Meta Shenanigans

MrTankerson delves into the intricacies of the meta, highlighting unexpected picks like Udyr and the deceptive Elise strategy.

Not sleeping on Rumble and Kai’Sa, ZombiBrand adds a spicy twist to the meta discussion.