League of Legends: Poppy Ult Shenanigans in the New Map

The community discusses Poppy's ultimate sending Set and the team out of bounds in the latest map chaos.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving chaos of League of Legends, Poppy’s ultimate has set the stage for some unexpected shenanigans in the new map. As players navigate through this glitch, emotions run high in the community.


  • Poppy’s ult caused chaos, sending Set and team out of bounds.
  • Some players found it humorous, others frustrating.
  • Issues with teleportation being exploited in arena map.

Players’ Reactions

Antoshi jokingly remarked, ‘200 years,’ poking fun at the ongoing balance struggles. While KatyaBelli preferred this glitch over facing typical combos, NickWangOG cleverly called it ‘Baited and outsmarted.’

The Glitch Chronicles

Raz346 shared a similar bug involving Zeri, while ginger-ridge was eager to try the exploit firsthand. ihave0idea0 expressed annoyance with Riot’s oversight, questioning the map’s integrity.

Community Sentiment

Fabriciofff proposed solutions, emphasizing the need for adjustments. embracesadness labeled it a ‘skill issue,’ highlighting the frustration felt by many players. nogoodgreen criticized the map design, deeming it the ‘worst iteration.’

Rhoan_ito seemed content with the glitch affecting Poppy players, while freakinbacon simply reacted with ‘Loool,’ perhaps finding humor in the chaos.