League of Legends: MSI Drops Drama – Are the Rewards Really Lackluster?

Are this year's MSI drops in League of Legends truly disappointing players? Let's dive into the drama surrounding the lackluster rewards.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are voicing their discontent with this year’s MSI drops, with some feeling that the rewards have been lackluster.


  • The drop rates and conditions for MSI rewards have left many players frustrated.
  • Issues with the Lolesports website and bugs further dampen the viewing experience.
  • Players are missing out on drops due to technical glitches and limited triggering conditions.
  • The sentiment is leaning towards disappointment and a desire for improved rewards and website functionality.
  • Players’ Frustrations

    With limited drop triggers and technical issues on the Lolesports website, players are finding it challenging to collect rewards during MSI this year. The reduced variety in drop conditions, such as only triggering rewards for specific plays like baron steals and pentakills, is diminishing the excitement of earning drops.

    Site Glitches and Bugs

    Neblinio highlights significant bugs on the Lolesports website, including memory leaks and random logouts, disrupting the viewing experience. These technical issues are affecting the enjoyment of watching matches and collecting drops, prompting some players to consider alternative streaming platforms.

    Player Experience Impact

    Many players have expressed frustration at the decreased drop rates and the lack of engagement with the current drop system. Technical difficulties, like frequent logouts and errors on the site, have prevented players from accessing rewards promptly, leading to a sense of disconnection and disappointment.