League of Legends: K’Sante Buffs – Redefining the Meta

Discover how the League community reacts to the unexpected K'Sante buffs and the impact on pro play.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends patch 14.10 introduced surprising buffs to K’Sante, stirring up discussions within the community. Many players are divided on whether these changes will balance or break the game.


  • The K’Sante buffs may further amplify the champion’s already dominant presence in professional play.
  • Players express concerns about the impact of these buffs on K’Sante’s laning phase and overall game balance.
  • The community is split between those who welcome the changes and those who fear further domination by the champion.

EgoSumV: The Gold Scaling Conundrum

Expressing concerns regarding the disparity in K’Sante’s power post-rework, EgoSumV highlights how the buffed stat growths could worsen the existing issues in solo queue and pro play.

Accurate-Orange736: Riot’s Bold Strategy

Accurate-Orange736 humorously points out Riot’s ironic strategy of buffing K’Sante further to counter his overpowered performance in professional play, potentially leading to permabans.

Zarathielis: The Overwhelming Champion

Zarathielis paints a vivid picture of K’Sante’s overwhelming capabilities, expressing concerns about his stacked kit and potential game-breaking mechanics.

1stMembrOfTheDKCrew: The Safety Net Buffs

1stMembrOfTheDKCrew anticipates the impact of the buffs on K’Sante’s already safe laning phase, raising concerns about a potential increase in his dominance.

Throughout the community discussions, players weigh in on the implications of these buffs on K’Sante’s competitive viability, raising valid points about game balance and champion diversity. The debate rages on as players question Riot’s balancing decisions, highlighting the delicate equilibrium between catering to professional play and maintaining a healthy gameplay experience for all players.