League of Legends: How to Handle Fiora in the Urgot Matchup

Struggling against Fiora while playing Urgot in League of Legends? Get tips and strategies from Reddit users in this article.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players discuss strategies for handling Fiora in the Urgot matchup, sharing insights on managing mana costs, trading efficiently, and employing specific champion abilities and item builds. Whether it’s out-trading Fiora’s poke or utilizing Urgot’s passive to gain an advantage, these tips can help you navigate the challenging matchup.


  • Understanding Fiora’s poke and sustain is crucial in the Urgot matchup.
  • Utilize Urgot’s passive in duels to punish Fiora’s positioning.
  • Consider itemization options like Fleet Footwork, Black Cleaver, and defensive items against Fiora.

Strategies for Trading and Mana Management

Facing Fiora’s speed and poke as Urgot can be challenging due to mana costs. Some players recommend using Q-W for trades to conserve mana but emphasize the importance of managing mana efficiently. Others suggest playing around Fiora’s vital procs and utilizing abilities like E for disengaging rather than engaging.

Itemization and Ability Usage

Reddit users propose item builds like Fleet Footwork combined with lifesteal items to sustain against Fiora’s poke. Additionally, focusing on predicting Fiora’s movements during trades and using Urgot’s kit effectively, such as triggering the parry with E to set up for an Ult, can provide an edge in the matchup.

Optimal Playstyle and Lane Management

Players suggest contesting pushes, punishing Fiora’s weak waveclear, and maintaining lane priority to maximize advantages in the Urgot-Fiora matchup. By balancing aggression with cautious play and adapting to Fiora’s playstyle, Urgot players can navigate the matchup effectively.

The interactions between Urgot and Fiora in the top lane present unique challenges and opportunities for players to showcase their mechanical skills and strategic decision-making. Finding the right balance between aggressive trading, mana conservation, and effective itemization can tilt the matchup in your favor, turning the duel into a favorable battleground for Urgot players.