League of Legends: Epic Ezreal Pentakill Reactions and Gameplay

Join the hype as Dragdar amazes with an outstanding Ezreal pentakill!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players go wild over a jaw-dropping Ezreal pentakill, sparking admiration and humor in the community. The post captures the essence of epic gameplay and reactions. Get ready to witness gaming greatness!


  • Community in awe of Dragdar’s impressive Ezreal pentakill.
  • Hilarious comments showcase the fun and banter among players.
  • Players express their admiration for the skill and talent displayed.

Community Reaction

One player marvels at the Malphite ult reaction flash combo, highlighting the impressive mechanics at play during the pentakill. Others praise the smooth gameplay, with comments like ‘Nice man that actually was a really good play!’

Humor and Admiration

Amidst the admiration, humor shines through as players discuss their own experiences with Ezreal. One user humorously remarks on their lack of skill: ‘These plays make me want to play Ez and then I play him and remember I don’t have hands.’

Gaming Greatness

The community applauds Dragdar’s prowess on Ezreal, with comments like ‘Dragdar Ezreal is always a blessing for the eyes.’ The post captures the joy and excitement of witnessing extraordinary gameplay in League of Legends.