“League of Legends”: Embracing Strengths Over Weaknesses in Building Strategies

In League of Legends, players emphasize champion strengths rather than compensating weaknesses through unique builds and playstyles.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends is known for its diverse champion pool, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. A recent Reddit post by johann1010 sparked a discussion on the game’s building philosophy, contrasting it with other titles like COD. Let’s delve into the community’s insights!


  • Building strategies in League focus on amplifying champion strengths.
  • Players opt for synergistic itemization to maximize effectiveness.
  • Embracing strengths leads to diverse and engaging gameplay experiences.

johann1010’s Perspective

The original poster highlighted League’s approach of doubling down on champion strengths rather than compensating for weaknesses. This unique philosophy is evident in examples like Hecarim’s speed or Kraken Slayer on %Max HP champions, enhancing their core mechanics.

Community Insights

Several commenters echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the fun and strategic depth that comes from maximizing a champion’s strengths. For instance, normie_sama compared this strategy to other game genres, underlining the importance of playing to win conditions rather than shoring up weaknesses.

Understanding Itemization

While some players viewed League’s approach as unconventional, others like AdministrativeMove68 emphasized the significance of playing to a champion’s innate strengths. They explained how building around strengths creates unique gameplay dynamics and fosters strategic diversity.

Through diverse perspectives and experiences shared on the subreddit, it’s clear that League of Legends’ philosophy of embracing strengths over weaknesses resonates with players. This distinct approach not only enhances gameplay but also fosters a deeper understanding of champion synergies and itemization strategies.