League of Legends: Changes in Ranked Seeding Sparks Debate Among Players

Discover the heated debate surrounding the recent changes in League of Legends' ranked seeding system.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends subreddit recently exploded with discussions on Riot’s new approach to ranked seeding. Check out the details below:


  • Players are divided on the benefits and drawbacks of the new ranked seeding system.
  • Concerns about smurfs starting at a higher rank due to fewer normal games played.
  • Suggestions for requiring players to play Summoner’s Rift matches before entering ranked games.

Riot’s Decision

Riot implemented changes to better seed new players based on their actual skill level, but this led to negative LP gains for some during the transition period. They believed prioritizing game quality over accurate LP gains was crucial.

Player Reactions

Some players expressed worries about smurfs escalating rankings quickly without the need for normal games. Others suggested requiring a set number of SR matches before joining ranked to deter illegitimate accounts.

Community Response

Overall, the community seems split on Riot’s decision, with some applauding the focus on game quality while others criticize the potential issues arising from the changes.