Last Epoch: The Dungeons Dilemma – Players’ Love and Hate Relationship

Many Last Epoch players are split on their thoughts about dungeons, with some enjoying the challenge while others avoid them completely.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are sharing mixed feelings about the dungeons in the game. Some find them challenging, while others see them as frustrating obstacles.


  • Players split on dungeons: challenge vs. frustration
  • Dungeon boss difficulty and lack of retries criticized
  • Some appreciate high stakes, suggest retry options

Dungeon Disdain

Many players lament the long trek to bosses only to face quick, demoralizing deaths. Backtracking, one-shots, and lack of checkpoints frustrate them.

Sentimental Sanctums

For some, dungeons like Temporal Sanctum stand out positively, offering engaging challenges and rewarding loot experiences.

The Reward Reckoning

Players appreciate the rewards in some dungeons but feel that others, like Lightless Arbor, have frustrating designs and lack satisfying drops.