Last Epoch Ram Usage Concerns – What’s Happening with Memory Leaks?

Discover why Last Epoch players are facing memory leaks and escalating RAM usage issues while playing the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are exasperated, with RAM usage skyrocketing unexpectedly. Despite quirky moments like hitting 10.5GB or more, the experience isn’t as amusing as a raytracing escapade in Cyberpunk.


  • Players experiencing drastic RAM usage escalations.
  • Indications of memory leaks traced back to outdated Unity engine.
  • Concerns over game stability and performance due to overflowing RAM usage.

Memory Leak Woes

Last Epoch aficionados have encountered a baffling quirk – rapidly escalating RAM consumption. Reports suggest this anomaly can transform a smooth gaming session into a chaotic memory drain, reminiscent of a leaky bucket dripping its contents in haste.

Unity Engine at Fault?

Speculations have arisen, pointing fingers at the Unity engine as the probable culprit behind these memory leaks. Players are itching for fixes, as repeated restarts and performance dips mar their gameplay experience.

Game Stability Concerns

Players lament the instability that accompanies surging RAM usage in Last Epoch. The frustration peaks when smooth framerates plunge abruptly, turning an enjoyable gaming session into a sluggish ordeal, akin to navigating treacherous waters with a leaky vessel.

With accusations flying at Unity, players eagerly anticipate patches that will plug these memory leaks and restore Last Epoch to its former polished state.