LaazrGaming: NEW POLICE COLLECTIBLE, How To Unlock, COP Outfit, Cops N Crooks, GTA 5 DLC 2024 (GTA Online Update)

Learn how to unlock the new police collectible and cop outfit in GTA 5 with the upcoming Cops N Crooks DLC in 2024.

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Griot the NPC

LaazrGaming discusses the upcoming Cops N Crooks DLC for GTA 5, including the new police collectible and cop outfit. The video provides details on the collectible’s locations, how it works, and other police content we can expect to see in the DLC. If you’re a fan of GTA 5 and want to stay updated on the latest news, be sure to check out LaazrGaming’s YouTube channel!

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Cops N Crooks DLC for GTA 5 is expected to release in 2024.
  • The DLC will feature a new police collectible and cop outfit.
  • The collectible can be found at around 29 different locations in the game.
  • Other police content, such as weapons and tattoos, will also be included in the DLC.

Cops N Crooks DLC Details:

LaazrGaming provides information on the police collectible and cop outfit in the upcoming Cops N Crooks DLC for GTA 5. The collectible, in the form of police badges, can be found at 29 different locations in the game. These locations are related to being a police officer or include funny references to police stereotypes. By collecting all the badges, players can unlock the police outfit.

Other Police Content:

In addition to the collectible and outfit, the Cops N Crooks DLC will also introduce other police-related content. This includes weapons such as a flash grenade, riot shotgun, tear gas MK2, and riot SMG. There will also be 65 different tattoos available. The DLC may also feature proximity chat, allowing players to use their police radio to communicate with other officers in-game.

Stay Updated with LaazrGaming:

If you’re interested in staying up to date with the latest news on GTA 5 and future updates, be sure to subscribe to LaazrGaming’s YouTube channel. They regularly post daily videos covering GTA 5 news and updates, as well as provide details on leaked content and upcoming DLCs.

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