LaazrGaming: How to Unlock the Free $3,400,000 F1 Car in GTA Online

Learn how to unlock the free $3,400,000 F1 car in GTA Online and save millions of dollars with this simple trick.

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Griot the NPC

In LaazrGaming’s latest video, he reveals a method to unlock the highly coveted $3,400,000 F1 car for free in GTA Online. By following a specific technique when spinning the lucky wheel, players can consistently land on the podium vehicle every time. LaazrGaming demonstrates this method by successfully landing on the car twice, even after already winning it. He also explains what happens if you win the car again and provides insights into the upcoming weekly update from Rockstar Games.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Follow a specific method to consistently land on the podium vehicle in GTA Online’s lucky wheel spin.
  • Unlocking the free $3,400,000 F1 car can save players millions of dollars.
  • Rockstar Games will be rolling out a new weekly update with moneymaking methods, free cars, and discounts.

Unlocking the Free F1 Car:

In the video, LaazrGaming explains the step-by-step process to unlock the free F1 car worth $3,400,000. The key is to ensure you are in an invite-only session or that the lucky wheel is at the reset point, two spaces away from the podium vehicle. By flicking the left analog stick downwards at the right moment, players can consistently land on the car every time they spin the wheel. LaazrGaming demonstrates this method and encourages players to try it themselves to save millions of dollars.

What Happens if You Win the Car Again:

If players manage to land on the podium vehicle again after already winning it, they will not receive another car. Instead, they will be rewarded with 20,000 RP. LaazrGaming showcases this in the video to demonstrate the outcome. However, he advises players to take advantage of the opportunity to get the free car and potentially sell their previously purchased version for additional money.

Upcoming Weekly Update:

Rockstar Games will be releasing a new weekly update for GTA Online, which includes various moneymaking methods, free cars, and discounts. Players can expect triple money and triple RP on the extraction adversary mode, as well as double money and double RP on super yacht life contact missions and the hidden cachet. GTA Plus members will enjoy quadruple money on super yacht life missions, making it a lucrative opportunity. Additionally, there will be discounts on vehicles, including the super yachts themselves, and two weekly challenges that offer extra cash rewards. The update also introduces the Anis Urus as the new podium vehicle.

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