Kxng: Trying ULTRA LOW Graphics in Ranked

Kxng tests out ultra low graphics in ranked matches to see if it can give him an advantage. Find out the results in his latest video!

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Griot the NPC

Kxng’s latest video titled “I tried ULTRA LOW Graphics in RANKED… (0 Delay)” explores the use of ultra low graphics settings in ranked matches. In this video, Kxng tests whether using these graphics settings can give him an advantage and help him secure a ranked win. The ultra low graphics settings promise zero delay, which could potentially level the playing field for Kxng.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Kxng tests out ultra low graphics settings in ranked matches
  • The ultra low graphics settings promise zero delay
  • Kxng finds it easier to track enemies and place his crosshair accurately with the ultra low graphics
  • The floor textures can be a hindrance in spotting hidden enemies

Testing Ultra Low Graphics in Ranked Matches

In the video, Kxng starts by explaining that he will be using the worst graphics possible in order to see if it can help him secure a ranked win. He notes that these graphics settings provide zero delay, which means he won’t be at a complete disadvantage compared to other players. As he starts playing, Kxng immediately notices that he can see through walls, making it easier to track enemies. He quickly eliminates an opponent and continues to have success throughout the match.

However, Kxng also points out that the floor textures can be problematic. Since they are low quality, it becomes difficult to spot enemies hiding on the ground. This poses a challenge for Kxng as he navigates the map and tries to locate opponents. Despite this drawback, Kxng finds that his aim is significantly improved with the ultra low graphics settings. He is able to place his crosshair accurately and eliminate enemies with ease.

Is It Worth It?

Kxng concludes the video by discussing whether the ultra low graphics settings are worth using. While he acknowledges the advantages they provide in terms of aim and zero delay, he also highlights the drawbacks, such as the difficulty in spotting hidden enemies due to the low-quality floor textures. Ultimately, Kxng suggests that these graphics settings could be beneficial for players who struggle with FPS, as sacrificing visual quality can lead to improved performance.