Kripparrian: Unbelievable Dragon Build Dominates Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian showcases a blinding Dragon build in Hearthstone Battlegrounds that proves to be unstoppable.

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Griot the NPC

Kripparrian’s latest video in Hearthstone Battlegrounds showcases an incredible Dragon build that is dominating the game. Dragons have powerful buffs that trigger other buffs, creating a chain reaction of devastating effects. Kripparrian demonstrates how this build can overwhelm opponents and leave them blinded by its power.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Kripparrian showcases a Dragon build in Hearthstone Battlegrounds that is incredibly powerful.
  • The build takes advantage of dragons’ buffs that trigger other buffs, creating a chain reaction.
  • Opponents are left blinded by the overwhelming power of the Dragon build.
  • The build has no counter, making it incredibly difficult to defeat.

The Unstoppable Dragon Build

In the video, Kripparrian explains how dragons in Hearthstone Battlegrounds have powerful buffs that can trigger other buffs. By strategically arranging the dragons on the board and scaling their battlecry triggers with end of turn triggers, Kripparrian creates a build that overwhelms opponents with an onslaught of triggers.

As Kripparrian plays the Dragon build, he showcases its blinding effect on his opponents. The power of the build is so overwhelming that chat on his Twitch stream starts using the flashbang emote to symbolize the blinding effect. It’s clear that the Dragon build is a force to be reckoned with.

A Lack of Counters

One of the most astonishing aspects of the Dragon build is that it has no counter. Despite its overwhelming power, there is no strategy or combination of minions that can effectively defeat the Dragon build. Kripparrian expresses his frustration with this lack of counterplay, pointing out that other builds in Hearthstone Battlegrounds have counters that can be utilized by opponents to improve their odds of winning.

Kripparrian highlights that the lack of a counter to the Dragon build is what makes it so frustrating to play against. It creates a sense of imbalance and unfairness in the game, as opponents are left helpless against the blinding power of the dragons.

The Emergency Patch

In a surprising turn of events, the Dragon build was emergency patched just two days after it was introduced. Kripparrian speculates that the emergency patch was a direct response to a Blizzard employee losing to the Dragon build while playing as beasts. This highlights the impact that popular content creators like Kripparrian can have on game balance and updates.

The emergency patch introduced a new card called the Quillboar, which hard counters the Dragon build. This card specifically targets the buffs that the Dragon build relies on, making it nearly impossible to win against opponents who have it. Kripparrian expresses his disbelief at how quickly the counter was introduced, emphasizing that the Dragon build had no counter for an entire year before the emergency patch.

Final Thoughts

Kripparrian’s video on the blinding Dragon build in Hearthstone Battlegrounds showcases the power and lack of counterplay of this dominant strategy. The overwhelming buffs and triggers of the build leave opponents helpless and frustrated. The emergency patch that introduced a hard counter to the Dragon build further emphasizes its unbalanced nature.

While the Dragon build may be exciting for those who use it, it creates a sense of imbalance in the game and takes away from the strategic depth and variety of gameplay. It remains to be seen how Blizzard will address the issues raised by Kripparrian and other players regarding the lack of counters and balance in Hearthstone Battlegrounds.