Kripparrian: Dragons Dominate in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos

Kripparrian explores the power of dragons in the latest patch of Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos. Watch the video to learn more!

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Griot the NPC

In his latest video, Kripparrian delves into the world of dragons in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos. He explains that while dragons may not be the strongest build, their scaling engine and mid-range capabilities make them a popular choice. Additionally, he highlights the return of in-combat buffs with the Terra Goa effect, as well as the new card called Persistent Poet, which enables the Pagosa effect on adjacent dragons. Kripparrian emphasizes the importance of careful scaling with this card and the advantages of having Divine Shield. He also discusses the faster pace of Duos games and predicts that both Duos and normal Battlegrounds modes will see an increase in dragon builds.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Dragons are a popular choice in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos due to their scaling engine and mid-range capabilities.
  • The Terra Goa effect has returned, offering in-combat buffs to dragons.
  • Persistent Poet is a new dragon card that enables the Pagosa effect on adjacent dragons, providing additional scaling opportunities.
  • Scaling with Persistent Poet requires careful consideration, as tripling the card can lead to different scaling paths.

The Power of Dragons in Battlegrounds Duos

In his video, Kripparrian highlights the strength of dragons in the latest patch of Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos. While dragons may not be the absolute strongest build, their scaling engine and mid-range capabilities make them a go-to choice for many players. Kripparrian explains that most of the powerful scaling engine dragons are found in Tavern 4, which makes them a reliable and effective mid-range option.

One aspect that sets Duos apart from the normal version of Battlegrounds is the increased damage taken by players. In Duos, players take more damage when they lose a round, as there are typically more than just one or two minions remaining on the board. This leads to faster-paced games and a greater emphasis on mid-range builds, despite the potential synergy between two players.

The Return of In-Combat Buffs with Terra Goa

Kripparrian also discusses the return of in-combat buffs with the Terra Goa effect. While he acknowledges that the scaling power of Terra Goa may not keep up with the current power levels in Battlegrounds, he mentions that dragons have another card called Persistent Poet that effectively provides the Terra Goa effect. This new dragon card has Divine Shield and enables the Pagosa effect on adjacent dragons during combat. Kripparrian praises the design of this card, as it eliminates the need for left-to-right positioning and allows for more flexible scaling options.

Careful Scaling with Persistent Poet

When it comes to scaling with Persistent Poet, Kripparrian advises caution. While a golden version of the card offers double the stats gained in combat permanently, having two non-golden versions of the card can be more advantageous in terms of scaling Divine Shield stats. He emphasizes the importance of considering the specific strengths and weaknesses of each scaling option and adapting the strategy accordingly.

Overall, Kripparrian’s video provides valuable insights into the power of dragons in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos. Whether you’re a fan of dragons or looking to try out a new build, this video offers valuable tips and strategies to enhance your gameplay experience.