Kiyoon: Building the Most OP Umbral Comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11

Discover how Kiyoon creates the ultimate Umbral composition in Teamfight Tactics Set 11, dominating the competition with strategic gameplay.

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Griot the NPC

In Kiyoon’s latest video, he showcases his strategy for building the most powerful Umbral composition in Teamfight Tactics Set 11. Throughout the video, Kiyoon discusses his decision-making process and demonstrates how to dominate the competition with this unique comp. He dives into the details of itemization, unit positioning, and synergies, providing valuable insights for TFT players.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Kiyoon shares his strategy for building the most OP Umbral comp in TFT Set 11
  • He discusses itemization and unit positioning to maximize the comp’s effectiveness
  • Kiyoon provides insights into the synergy combinations that work best with this comp

Itemization and Unit Positioning

In the video, Kiyoon emphasizes the importance of specific items for the Umbral comp. He recommends prioritizing items such as Death Defiance, Zz’Rot Infinity Force, and Morello’s Embrace. These items provide tankiness and damage output to the units, enhancing their overall effectiveness in battles.

When it comes to unit positioning, Kiyoon suggests placing key units like Set and Silas in the front line to absorb damage. He also advises positioning units with crowd control abilities strategically to disrupt the enemy team.

Synergies and Combinations

Kiyoon explores the synergies and combinations that work best with the Umbral comp. He highlights the importance of the Umbral trait, which grants units additional attack speed and damage reduction. Pairing this with other synergies like Arcanist and Heavenly can further enhance the comp’s power.

Additionally, Kiyoon discusses the potential of adding Thresh or Exalted units to the composition for even stronger performance. These units provide additional utility and damage, making them valuable additions to the team.

Kiyoon’s video provides valuable insights into building and playing the most OP Umbral comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11. By following his itemization tips, unit positioning strategies, and synergy combinations, players can elevate their gameplay and dominate their opponents. Whether you’re a TFT enthusiast or just getting started, Kiyoon’s video is a must-watch for anyone looking to improve their skills in the game.

Categories TFT