k3soju: The MOST HIGHROLL 12 FORTUNE GAME featuring the goat of TFT | Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.17

Read about k3soju's epic highroll game with 12 Fortune in Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.17.

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Griot the NPC

k3soju’s video showcases an incredibly highroll game in Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.17. With 12 Fortune, k3soju dominates the lobby and showcases the power of the Fortune trait. The game features intense moments, lucky rolls, and strategic decision-making. If you’re a fan of TFT or enjoy watching highroll games, this video is a must-watch!

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Key Takeaways:

  • k3soju showcases the power of the Fortune trait with 12 Fortune in this game.
  • Highrolling multiple 2-star units contributes to k3soju’s dominance throughout the game.
  • Strategic positioning and itemization play a crucial role in k3soju’s success.
  • The game highlights the importance of adapting to the game’s RNG and making the most out of fortunate rolls.

The Power of 12 Fortune:

k3soju’s game revolves around the Fortune trait, which allows players to gain additional gold and items after each round. With 12 Fortune, k3soju has an insane advantage in terms of economy and itemization. This advantage allows for highrolling and quickly acquiring powerful units.

Strategic Decision-Making:

Throughout the game, k3soju makes strategic decisions on unit positioning and itemization. These decisions greatly impact the outcome of battles and contribute to k3soju’s success. Adapting to the game’s RNG and making the most out of fortunate rolls is a key aspect of k3soju’s gameplay.

Lucky Rolls and Intense Moments:

The video is filled with lucky rolls and intense moments. From highrolling multiple 2-star units to cashing out on the Fortune trait, k3soju experiences several fortunate events that contribute to their dominance in the game. These moments create excitement and suspense for viewers.

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