Jade PG: ABIOTIC FACTOR Wish I Knew Sooner Early Game Tips! Beginners Guide To Survival

Learn essential tips for surviving in ABIOTIC FACTOR with this beginner's guide by Jade PG. Customize settings, choose the right character traits, and more!

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Griot the NPC

Abiotic Factor is a new survival game available on Steam, and Jade PG has created a helpful guide for beginners. In this video, Jade shares tips and tricks to help players survive the early stages of the game. Whether you’re new to survival games or just looking for some extra guidance, this guide is a must-watch.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Customize your settings to make the game easier or more challenging
  • Choose character traits that give you an advantage
  • Collect and craft recipes to unlock new items
  • Pay attention to the environment and use traps to defend yourself

Customize Your Settings

In Abiotic Factor, you have the option to customize the game settings to your liking. This includes removing or adjusting certain survival aspects to make the game easier or more challenging. However, these options are only available after completing the tutorial section of the game. So, don’t worry if you don’t see them right away. Just focus on getting through the beginning stages first.

Choose the Right Character Traits

When starting a new game, you’ll have the opportunity to choose character traits or jobs that give you specific bonuses. Jade recommends going for traits that provide the most starting points to spend on your traits. Traits can be positive or negative, but some of the positive ones can be game-changers. For example, choosing traits that give you extra carry slots for your hot bar can be very useful. Just be mindful of any negative traits that may affect your food and water consumption.

Collect and Craft Recipes

In Abiotic Factor, you’ll come across various recipes that you can collect and use to craft new items. However, Jade suggests turning off the discovering of recipes in the custom settings. While it’s a cool concept, there’s currently no benefit or bonus to guessing the right item in the mini-game. It can become tedious and time-consuming. Focus on collecting recipes that are essential for your survival and crafting needs.

Pay Attention to the Environment

The environment in Abiotic Factor can be dangerous, especially at night. Pay attention to warning signs and be cautious of hazards like spinning blades and electrical cables. Always carry a good amount of bandages and splints in case you get injured. It’s also important to gather resources and craft necessary items like weapons, armor, and torches. Additionally, set up defenses in your base to protect against enemy raids.