Jade Monkey: Exploring Underwater Labs in Rust Console

Join Jade Monkey as they dive into underwater labs and build their base in Rust Console Stream 639.

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Griot the NPC

Jade Monkey’s latest video takes us on an adventure as they explore underwater labs and build their base in Rust Console. They discuss the upcoming addition of submarines and the changes to Labs, while also showcasing their strategies for water builds. If you’re a fan of Rust Console or enjoy watching gaming content, be sure to check out Jade Monkey’s YouTube channel!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Jade Monkey explores underwater labs in Rust Console
  • They discuss the upcoming addition of submarines and changes to Labs
  • They showcase their strategies for water builds

Exploring Underwater Labs

In this video, Jade Monkey dives into underwater labs in Rust Console. They discuss the upcoming addition of submarines and the changes to Labs that are currently on the testing branch. They also mention that underwater Labs are different on every server, depending on the seed. Jade Monkey and their team are experimenting with cheap water builds in preparation for the release of submarines and tugboats.

Building Strategies

Jade Monkey showcases their strategies for water builds in Rust Console. They discuss using scuba equipment, such as flippers and an air tank, to explore underwater Labs. They also mention the importance of disconnectable bases and experimenting with different water base designs. They plan to gather resources, such as scrap and fuel, to prepare for their water build experiments.

Upcoming Updates

Jade Monkey mentions that submarines and tugboats are expected to hit the main branch at the end of the month. They are excited about the addition of tugboats, as it will allow for new gameplay experiences, such as defending the boat while it moves. They also mention the potential addition of anti-cheat measures and improvements to the banning system.