IWDominate: Understanding LEC Top Lane Matchups in League of Legends

Learn from IWDominate as he explains LEC top lane matchups in League of Legends and provides valuable insights for players.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent video, IWDominate delves into the intricacies of LEC top lane matchups in League of Legends. He shares his thoughts on wave management, recalls, and TP usage, offering valuable insights for players looking to improve their gameplay. Check out the video below to learn more:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Two-wave crashes should be avoided unless under the threat of a gank.
  • Three-wave crashes allow for a more advantageous recall and item purchase.
  • Investing TP back to lane can be avoided by timing recalls properly.

Wave Management:

IWDominate emphasizes the importance of wave management in top lane matchups. He explains that a two-wave crash should generally be avoided as it leaves the player with minimal gold to purchase essential items. Instead, a three-wave crash allows for a better recall timing, enabling the player to buy a long sword or other impactful items.

Recall Timing:

Timing recalls correctly is crucial in top lane. IWDominate suggests that players should aim to recall after a three-wave crash, ensuring they have enough gold to make a significant purchase. By doing so, they can return to lane with a power spike, putting them in a favorable position against their opponent.

TP Usage:

Using teleport back to lane can be a valuable resource, but IWDominate advises players to use it sparingly. By timing recalls properly, players can avoid using TP and instead walk back to lane, preserving the summoner spell for potential plays or skirmishes in other parts of the map.