Is Warzone Better on 120 FPS Fixed (PS5) or with VRR? Reddit Users Share Their Thoughts

Warzone players debate the benefits of 120 FPS and VRR. See what Reddit users have to say about the gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are split on whether 120 FPS or VRR offers a superior gaming experience on the PS5. Some swear by the smoother visuals, while others debate the necessity of spending extra cash.


  • Upgrading to 120 FPS can make it hard to go back
  • VRR is crucial for preventing screen tearing
  • Monitors with high refresh rates can enhance gameplay

Positive Side of 120 FPS

“After upgrading from 60 to 120, I can’t go back. But before I knew, I didn’t know,” shared PossibleMechanic89, highlighting the smooth transition

VRR’s Importance

“VRR is very useful. For some reason, the image looks much worse than just simple screen tearing. I’m not sure why but I couldn’t use 120fps without VRR,” noted cfm1988, stressing the necessity of VRR

Monitors and Display Choices

“Picked up a 24” 165 hz monitor 1ms response for 120 bucks at Walmart. Their brand Onn makes gaming monitors, they have a curved 4k monitor with the same specs also,” shared iDrum-DudeskiBro, showcasing the variety of affordable monitor options

Gaming Experience

“Can confirm you’ll be in a whole other realm with an upgrade like that, you just won’t ever be able to turn back now 🤣,” exclaimed Bobmarleysnan, underlining the immersive experience

“Huge difference! You will get at least twice as better. You can see everything move a lot more smoothly. Gotta turn off that blur shit tho,” mentioned theonlywishwithin, emphasizing the increased visual clarity

Players on the Warzone subreddit are divided on the benefits of 120 FPS and VRR, with some highlighting the undeniable improvements in gameplay, while others debate the necessity of specific display enhancements. The ongoing discussion showcases the diverse preferences and priorities of gamers seeking the ultimate gaming experience.