Is Valorant Really a Bad Game? Exploring the Controversy

Valorant has received mixed reviews, with players voicing concerns about its competitive nature and the impact on their mental health.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant is a highly popular game that has garnered both praise and criticism from players. While some enjoy the intense competitive nature and unique gameplay mechanics, others have expressed frustration and dissatisfaction.


  • Players mention the game’s competitive nature as a cause of frustration.
  • Some players believe that Valorant has a negative impact on mental health.
  • Others find the game fun and enjoy its unique aspects.

The Competitive Frustration

One player shares their experience, stating that even skilled players can have bad games due to the cheese plays and cheesy moments that the operator abilities enable. This frustrating aspect of the game can lead to intense rage and a desire to vent frustration physically.

Another player agrees, comparing the intense negative emotions experienced while playing Valorant to being infected with the T-virus from the Resident Evil series. This description paints a vivid picture of the frustration and anger that some players associate with the game.

The Impact on Mental Health

In discussing the impact of Valorant on mental health, one player expresses concern for a friend who contracted COVID due to excessive stress caused by playing the game. This highlights how the pressure to perform and the competitive nature of Valorant can lead to significant stress levels for some players, potentially affecting their overall well-being.

Another player takes a more humorous approach, likening the toxic behavior exhibited in the game to the devastating nature of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. While this comparison may seem extreme, it emphasizes the intense reactions that some players have to the competitive environment of the game.

Finding Fun in Valorant

Despite the criticisms, some players find Valorant to be enjoyable. One player expresses that while the game could be better, it still provides entertaining gameplay. This suggests that there are aspects of Valorant that attract and engage players, even if they have reservations about certain aspects.

Ultimately, the mixed opinions and passionate reactions to Valorant reflect the diverse experiences players have with the game. While some may find it frustrating and detrimental to their mental health, others find joy and entertainment in its unique gameplay mechanics.