Is this priced right? Sim Racing enthusiasts weigh in on the cost of a setup

Sim Racing fans discuss the pricing of a $1k setup and offer their opinions on its worth in a Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the best deals when it comes to their setup, and a recent Reddit post ignited a passionate discussion about the pricing of a $1k setup. The post, titled ‘Is this priced right?’ drew in a mix of opinions from the community, with some feeling it was a great deal while others believed it was overpriced.


  • Opinions on the pricing of the $1k setup vary greatly among Sim Racing enthusiasts.
  • Some users feel that the setup is significantly overpriced and not worth the cost.
  • Others suggest that similar setups can be found for much cheaper, and recommend hunting for better deals.
  • A few users believe that the price is fair, depending on the currency being used.

Opinions on the pricing:

One Reddit user, clintkev251, was blunt in their opinion and said, ‘Not even close.’ They clearly felt that the $1k price tag was far too high for the offered setup. Ajinho added a touch of humor to their comment, stating, ‘Maybe in Zimbabwe dollars.’ This playful response highlights the sentiment that the setup is greatly overpriced.

Dan27 took a more direct approach and stated, ‘Not worth even a quarter of that.’ This strong statement shows that they have a negative opinion of the setup’s value. On the other hand, Aromatic-Low-4578 shared their own experience of finding a similar setup with a Logitech g29 for only $150 on Facebook Marketplace. They encourage others to keep searching for better deals rather than settling for an overpriced offer.

The value in different currencies:

KamTros47 raises an interesting point about the importance of currency in determining value. They say, ‘1K of what currency? If we’re talking USD then I’d say it’s not worth it.’ They proceed to break down the cost of each component, highlighting the high price tag for used gear. However, Longjumping_wei offers a different perspective, suggesting that in 1k pesos, the setup could actually be a good deal.

In the comments, ASmallPoop takes a harsh stance, claiming that the setup isn’t even worth $200. This strong statement reflects their negative sentiment towards the pricing. sorehamstring adds a touch of humor while calling out the post’s author, saying, ‘This must be trolling. If not maybe you should like, do the bare minimum and learn at least the basics of the hobby you are interested in.’

Final thoughts:

Sim Racing enthusiasts have varying opinions on the pricing of the $1k setup. While some feel it is greatly overpriced and not worth the cost, others suggest searching for better deals or consider currency conversion. Whether the setup is truly worth the price is subjective and depends on individual preferences and budgets. Ultimately, finding the right balance between cost and quality is key for any Sim Racing enthusiast.