Is the Logitech G923 Good Enough for Starting Sim Racing?

Discover if the Logitech G923 is the perfect starting point for your sim racing journey. Read on for insights from the community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about starting your sim racing adventure with the Logitech G923? Check out what the community has to say about it!


  • Starting with Logitech G923 is solid but upgrading to higher-end gear may be inevitable.
  • Consider your budget and long-term goals before making a purchase.
  • Mods and adjustments can enhance your experience with the G923.

Community Insights on Logitech G923 for Sim Racing

Many users agree that the Logitech G923 is a great starting point for sim racing enthusiasts. One user, ti-di2, mentions that starting with the G923 can make you appreciate better equipment in the future. However, they emphasize the importance of enjoying the experience with entry-level gear first before investing in higher-end setups.

Another user, Far_Ad_557, recommends considering a more powerful wheel if budget permits, as the desire for upgrades may arise sooner than expected. They point out that the G923 is enjoyable for beginners but may leave enthusiasts craving more features down the line.

On the budget front, Remote_Adeptness4500 suggests sticking with the G923 if it aligns with your financial plan. They highlight the Trueforce technology and its impact on the racing experience, urging users to research thoroughly before making a decision.

When it comes to upgrades, Quietser advises gradually enhancing different components like pedals and wheel bases instead of immediately investing in a high-end setup. This approach allows for a customized experience based on individual preferences.

The Joy of Sim Racing Beginnings

Starting your sim racing journey with the Logitech G923 can open the door to a world of excitement and customization. While the community shares diverse opinions on potential upgrades and alternatives, the consensus remains clear – enjoy the ride and savor every lap, whether it’s on a G923 or a high-end direct drive wheel.

Ultimately, the choice is yours, and the thrill of sim racing awaits, ready to immerse you in the thrill of virtual motorsports.