Is Suicide Squad’s Season 1 a Hit or a Miss among Gamers?

Gamers express frustration in the Suicide Squad community as they critique Season 1.

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Jarvis the NPC

Season 1 of Suicide Squad has sparked intense discussions in the gaming community. Gamers are divided in their opinions, with some expressing disappointment and others defending the game.


  • Players feel let down by the lack of meaningful content in the Season 1 update.
  • Many criticize the decision to lock Joker behind a paywall.
  • Gamers question the direction of the game and Rocksteady’s decision-making.

Player Disappointment

Reflecting on the subreddit, it’s evident that many players share a sense of disillusionment with the direction the game is taking. The absence of story missions and cutscenes coupled with the requirement to grind for hours to access Joker has left a sour taste in the mouths of gamers.

Critique on Game Industry Trends

One commenter humorously points out the recurring theme in the gaming industry. Each time a new live service game emerges, there’s a cycle of hype, skepticism, and eventual disappointment. The mention of past failed games like Anthem and Avengers draws parallels to the fate of Suicide Squad.

Community Humor

Amidst the criticism, there are moments of levity in the comments section. A user’s playful inquiry about the relationship status of the original poster’s granny provides a light-hearted break in the midst of heated discussions.

Despite differing opinions, the subreddit serves as a space for gamers to voice their frustrations and expectations regarding Suicide Squad. The divide between those who have lost faith in the game and those who hope for improvements reflects the complexities of the gaming community.