Is Suicide Squad Worth Getting? Players Share Their Thoughts!

Is Suicide Squad worth it or should you wait for a price drop? Fans weigh in on the game's future.

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad is under the microscope as players debate whether it’s worth the investment for some co-op action.


  • Players feel the game is lacking content and may not improve in the near future.
  • Some suggest waiting for it to go free-to-play or drop in price significantly.
  • While the gameplay is fun, the overall experience may feel repetitive after a short while.
  • Despite its flaws, some players are still having a blast with the game.

Players Weighing In

Batmanswrath expresses skepticism, recommending to wait for better content or a lower price point. Cana002 echoes this sentiment, advising to wait for the game to go free-to-play. Independent_Day_5621 suggests managing expectations and waiting for a potential price drop to make it a better deal for players.

Gameplay vs. Repetition

Cade182 brings up the issue of repetition in the game, noting that while the gameplay is enjoyable, it may become stale quickly. However, Pristine-Biscotti-14 is having a great time with it, showcasing that personal experiences may vary. FrenchJoel emphasizes the fun factor of the game, suggesting it’s worth it if you’re seeking an enjoyable time.

Final Thoughts

With opinions mixed on Suicide Squad’s long-term appeal, it seems like player expectations play a significant role in how enjoyable the game is. Whether you find it repetitive or a blast likely depends on your preferences and gaming style. Ultimately, it may be best to wait for further updates or discounts before diving in.