Is Suicide Squad Worth Beating? Honest Thoughts Revealed

Gamers debate the value of finishing Suicide Squad. Is it worth it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gaming community is in an uproar about the game’s worthiness. Is it worth beating at this point?


  • Players divided on game’s value
  • Storyline praised, but gameplay criticized
  • Huge expectations unmet


“Story isn’t bad for $20. Beyond that; no.”


“Honestly I just want the squad to have cool guns, but I will say, Scarecrows infamy set was sort of a letdown.”


“I dont think so, the Story was absolute trash maybe the first 2 hours or so are good but everything after that is trash with some exceptions but its rare and mainly due to it being tied to the Arkham Story if it was its own thing and if you can see it as such its alright I guess. Gameplay is fine but the hud is overloaded even when turned down taking away from the fun and the graphics, cutscenes do look good tho.”