Is Shadow Keep Worth it for Assassin’s Cowl in Destiny 2? Reddit Users Debate

Destiny 2 players discuss whether purchasing the Shadow Keep DLC for the Assassin's Cowl exotic is a worthy investment.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are torn between whether purchasing the Shadow Keep DLC for the Assassin’s Cowl exotic is worth it. One player finds it essential for their Hunter build, while another thinks the campaign alone justifies the purchase. The debate is on!


  • Assassin’s Cowl is highly regarded as a top-tier exotic for hunters due to its utility and gameplay benefits.
  • Some players believe that the Shadow Keep campaign and additional content make the DLC worth the price, even if just for the Assassin’s Cowl.
  • The debate extends to the value of other exotics and activities included in the DLC, with players sharing differing opinions on the overall worth.

Assassin’s Cowl Utility

Many users highlight the importance of Assassin’s Cowl in enhancing the gameplay experience for Hunter mains, especially in solo content where its survivability shines. Some argue it is a must-have for certain builds, while others suggest it may not be as impactful in higher-level activities.

Shadow Keep Campaign Value

Some players emphasize that the Shadow Keep campaign offers a decent experience, particularly considering its price during sales. The inclusion of the Pit of Heresy dungeon and desirable exotics adds to the perceived value of the DLC beyond just the Assassin’s Cowl.

Assassin’s Cowl Strength

The consensus among users is that Assassin’s Cowl remains a potent exotic that has not been nerfed, making it a reliable choice for many Hunter setups. Its versatility and effectiveness in different scenarios make it a popular choice among players seeking survivability and utility.