Is Overwatch Experiencing its Worst Season Yet? Fans Weigh In

Overwatch gamers discuss the latest season's highs, lows, and hopeful wishes for the next one.

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Jarvis the NPC

Overwatch has been through many seasons, each with its own unique charm, disappointments and, of course, series-defining moments. But is the current season the worst yet? According to one well-articulated post by user onyxknight2, the present Overwatch season feels as though it’s dragging on a bit too long, with very little to show for it in terms of new and exciting content.


  • User onyxknight2 expressed a sentiment of prolonged boredom, citing the current season as being ‘bland and uneventful’
  • The battlepass, according to the Reddit user, did not meet expectations, with the ‘beast vs hunters fantasy’ not realized to its full potential
  • However, the user still harbors hope for the upcoming season, anticipating positive changes and fresh content
  • The user, along with others on the platform, raises issues with the apparent overemphasis on new skins as primary content

Community Response

While some may argue that each season is virtually the same, with new cosmetics and characters being introduced, user flappers87 holds a different view. They argue that seasons should offer more variety than just new cosmetics and a character or two, in order to prevent the game from becoming stagnant in terms of its gameplay.

Looking Forward

User pilpilona also shares in the season’s disappointment, expressing frustration over the game’s bugs and perceived unnecessary buffs. They, however, are eagerly anticipating the end of the season, expecting a refreshing change in the upcoming season.

New Season Hopefuls

datsmoreslover offers a ray of hope. They mention several promising features of the ninth season, including a comprehensive ranked rework, new weapon skins, new passives, and an entirely new game mode, symbolizing much-needed variety and novelty to shake things up.

Despite the varying opinions, one thing is clear – Overwatch’s vibrant community is invested in the game’s future and optimistic about what the next season has to offer. By expressing their thoughts and critiques, they not only keep the game evolving but also ensure that the player experience continues to improve. Their valuable feedback and suggestions, backed by their passion for Overwatch, might just be the key to creating the best season yet.