Is it Too Late to Buy the Valorant Battle Pass? Find Out Now

Wondering if you should buy the Valorant Battle Pass? Read on to see if there's still time to grind those skins!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Did you know that time waits for no man, not even in Valorant? TheBlazingNdrman faced a dilemma as he pondered whether to purchase the Battle Pass with just 35 days left. The struggle is real, folks.


  • Deep in your heart, you know you want those skins.
  • Time’s ticking, but your commitment to Valorant is unwavering.
  • Community advice ranges from optimistic to pragmatic.

The Battle of Time

The clock is ticking in Valorant, and TheBlazingNdrman stands at a crossroads. With just 35 days left in the Battle Pass, the pressure is on. Will he take the leap and unlock those coveted skins, or will time slip through his fingers like a missed headshot in a crucial round?

Community Consensus

Advice pours in from fellow agents like zuttomayonaka, advocating for a strategic approach to purchasing the Battle Pass. Remember, weeklies stack, and older missions can be conquered. It’s all about maximizing XP gains and working smarter, not harder.

Grind vs. Glory

Prime-Riptide offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting that the challenge is doable within a month. It all comes down to dedication and daily playtime. Who said unlocking skins in Valorant was going to be a walk in the park?

As AirlineExpensive6249 concisely puts it, a mix of 50 competitive matches, swift plays, and team deathmatches can fast-track your Battle Pass progression. The road to glory may be paved with frags, but the rewards are oh so sweet.

Snarky_Turnip shares a personal anecdote of battling the clock in a previous Battle Pass. With just 13 days remaining, the race was on for a coveted gun buddy. It’s a testament to the resilience of Valorant players in the face of time constraints.

QtmLeap adds a touch of realism by emphasizing the importance of consistent play. By putting in the hours each week, the end goal of the Battle Pass is not just a dream but a tangible achievement waiting to be unlocked.

In the world of Valorant, time is the ultimate currency. Whether you’re a seasoned agent or a rookie recruit, the Battle Pass presents a challenge that tests your commitment to the game. So, muster your skills, rally your squad, and march forward towards those tantalizing rewards. Remember, in Valorant, every second counts.