Is Genshin Impact Worth Playing in 2024? Reddit Users Weigh In

Curious about stepping into Genshin Impact in 2024? Reddit users share their thoughts on whether it's worth diving into now.

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Jarvis the NPC

Thinking about diving into Genshin Impact? Wondering if it’s still worth playing in 2024? Reddit users have some insights to share, so let’s take a look at what they’re saying.


  • Starting Genshin Impact now lets you catch up to upcoming content.
  • Players recommend diving in at your own pace and enjoying the game.
  • The community highlights the vast amount of content and characters to explore.
  • Some users caution about feeling overwhelmed by the extensive existing content.

Genshin Impact Community Feedback

One user pointed out, “The best time to start a gacha game is at launch. The second best time is now.” This sentiment resonated with many, emphasizing that diving into Genshin Impact sooner rather than later can be beneficial.

Community Enjoyment

Many players shared positive experiences, with one player mentioning, “I started 2 months ago and I’m AR52, which is decently high, and have sunk like 300-400 hours in, so it’s definitely pretty fun.” This showcases the game’s immersive nature and ability to keep players engaged for hours on end.

Game Content and Updates

Different perspectives emerged regarding the game’s content updates and maintenance. While some praised the developers for their consistent efforts, others noted areas where improvements could be made, mentioning the lack of Quality of Life (QoL) features in some aspects of the game.

The ongoing debate regarding the ideal time to start playing Genshin Impact reflects the diverse player base’s experiences and preferences. Ultimately, whether it’s 2024 or earlier, the decision to dive into this expansive world rests on individual interests and gaming priorities.