Is FF6 the Best Final Fantasy Game Ever or Am I Just Old? Reddit Discussion Revealed

Is Final Fantasy VI truly the ultimate game? Reddit users debate its legendary status and its place in gaming history.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy VI is a timeless classic that continues to captivate gamers, sparking debates on its significance in the gaming world. Reddit users recently revisited the age-old question – is FF6 truly the best Final Fantasy game ever, or are its praises merely a testament to nostalgia?


  • FF6 stands out for its compelling storyline and memorable characters, blurring the lines between entertainment and art.
  • Debate around FF6’s difficulty balancing and character development persists, with some users noting its flaws in combat mechanics.
  • Some players laud FF6 as a revolutionary game that set a high standard for storytelling in the RPG genre.

FF6’s Enduring Legacy

Many Redditors expressed their love for the game, highlighting its exceptional narrative depth and iconic moments. User Heretek007 praised the novel-quality writing of FF6, elevating it to an artistic realm beyond mere entertainment. According to them, the game’s balanced difficulty and captivating storyline set it apart from its predecessors, marking it as a significant milestone in RPG history.

Gameplay vs. Storytelling

User Duouwa offered a mixed perspective, acknowledging FF6’s strengths in narrative but critiquing its combat mechanics and character development. While acknowledging the game’s merits, Duouwa believed that certain aspects hindered the overall experience, placing FF6 below other titles in the franchise. This sentiment was echoed by several users who felt that FF6, while groundbreaking in storytelling, fell short in gameplay depth and balance.

Legacy and Influence

As users debated the game’s legacy, opinions varied on its ranking within the Final Fantasy series. Some, like LeParfait271, deemed it as one of the best entries, praising its enduring impact on the genre. Others, like Tython199, expressed a more critical view, suggesting that FF6, while influential, may not hold up against modern gaming standards.

Final Fantasy VI’s legacy remains a subject of intense debate among gamers, with its status as the best Final Fantasy game ever hotly contested. While nostalgia certainly plays a role in shaping perceptions, the game’s innovative storytelling and memorable characters continue to resonate with fans across generations. Whether FF6 reigns supreme or not, its impact on the gaming landscape is undeniable, solidifying its status as a timeless classic that stands the test of time.