Is Equinox Really OP in Smite? Players Weigh In

Is the Equinox item in Smite truly overpowered? See what players have to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a Smite player looking for the next game-changing item? Look no further than Equinox. A recent reddit thread has sparked a debate about the power level of this new addition to the game. User MaleficentFrame7718 kicked off the discussion by highlighting the item’s incredible value and effectiveness.


  • Equinox is a polarizing item that many players feel is currently overpowered.
  • Players are enjoying the new build possibilities it offers, especially for auto-attack-oriented gods.
  • Concerns have been raised about its impact on game balance and the necessity of anti-heal items in response.

Players’ Experiences with Equinox

Player Minstral_Meadows shared, “I’ve been going Equinox first item on every AA warrior/assassin and it’s definitely a snowball item.” This sentiment was echoed by others who found success with the item on auto-attack-focused builds.

AntonChigur expressed skepticism about Equinox’s longevity, predicting, “it’ll be nerfed to crap in either the next bonus patch or the next bigger patch. It’s how they do things.” This reflects concerns about the item’s potential to dominate the meta.

ChunkyMitts0 detailed their experience climbing in MMR using Equinox with Bellona, stating, “Played maybe 4 or 5 bellona games last night running it along with frostbound and it’s great.” Their success in lower MMR games raises questions about Equinox’s impact across skill levels.

Hailestormzy noted the resurgence of auto-attack warriors thanks to Equinox, emphasizing, “Erlang Shen is now a pretty sought pick now just from this item.” The item’s influence on god selection is one of the key talking points among players.

Players’ Verdict on Equinox

Feisty_Ad_8621 predicted future balance adjustments, sharing, “I bet this will be nerf then that shitty bow they added will be buffed and be busted.☠️” This concern about potential shifts in the meta reflects player anxieties about game balance.

Dusty_Cowboy offered a nuanced perspective, suggesting, “The heal could probably be reduced on subsequent targets, so that cleave autos don’t get such an advantage.” This detailed feedback highlights potential solutions to addressing Equinox’s power level.

KindaVeryRude drew parallels with Anubis’s lifesteal build, opining, “Its op like building full lifesteal on anubis and saying hes unkillable and unbalanced.” This comparison underscores the contentious nature of Equinox’s impact on gameplay.

As players continue to experiment with Equinox and share their feedback, it remains to be seen how the item will evolve within the Smite meta. Whether it undergoes adjustments or remains a staple in certain builds, one thing is clear – Equinox has stirred up the Smite community and provided a fresh angle for strategic diversity.