Is Destiny 2 Beyond Light Worth It for Ticuu’s Divination? Reddit Insights

Is Destiny 2 player's query on Ticuu's Divination answerable from reddit advice? Let's dive into it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are pondering whether to purchase Beyond Light solely for Ticuu’s Divination. The bow gameplay has reignited their enjoyment, but the decision is complex.


  • Ticuu’s Divination offers a unique PvE experience and is highly recommended by players.
  • Wait for a sale for better value as full price might not be justified solely for Ticuu’s.
  • Stasis subclass and overall content of Beyond Light add value to the purchase.

Player Insights

Many players suggest waiting for a sale as Ticuu’s Divination, while fun, might not justify the full price of the expansion. Some emphasize the value of Stasis subclass, making it worth considering.

Pricing and Alternatives

Players recommend checking discounted sites like CDKeys for better deals on the expansion. Additionally, suggestions for alternatives like Trinity Ghoul provide players with more choices for ad clearing.

Future Considerations

Players mention the upcoming release of Final Shape and the potential for new exciting weapons that might impact the usage of Ticuu’s Divination. This anticipation leads them to advise holding off for potential sales.

Ultimately, the decision to purchase Beyond Light for Ticuu’s Divination depends on individual preferences and the value placed on the unique PvE experience it offers.