Is Buying a G29 a Good Deal for Sim Racing Enthusiasts?

Discover if the G29 wheel and shifter combo is worth the price for aspiring sim racers in this engaging subreddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts are buzzing about a recent purchase – a G29 wheel and shifter combo for $150. But was it really a good deal?


  • The G29 is praised for its value and longevity in the sim racing community.
  • Some users highlight the potential for upgrading and reselling the wheel setup.
  • Others argue that newer models may offer better performance at a similar price point.

User Sentiments Towards G29 Purchase

Many users in the subreddit shared their thoughts on whether the $150 G29 deal was worthwhile. User ‘dude496’ emphasized the G29’s value as an entry-level wheel that holds its worth well, making the purchase a great bargain.

User ‘kyslovely’ jokingly highlighted that any wheel is better than none, underscoring the expensive nature of sim racing as a hobby.

User ‘altwvgalways’ shared their positive experience with the G29 as a means to test their interest in sim racing before committing to pricier setups, showcasing the versatility of the wheel.

Debates on Value and Upgradability

While some users like ‘YeahItouchpoop’ see the $150 deal as a low-risk entry point to the hobby, others like ‘KyteOnFire’ argue that the G29 may lack compared to newer models such as the T300 in terms of performance.

User ‘SterlingBoss’ brought up historical pricing trends for the G29, suggesting that the deal might not be as exceptional considering previous retail prices.

Overall, the discussion highlights the diverse perspectives within the sim racing community regarding the value and future relevance of the G29 wheel and shifter combo.