Is Brawl Stars’ New Game Mode a Disaster? A Reddit Discussion

Brawl Stars' new game mode receives backlash in a Reddit post. Find out why fans are frustrated!

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent Reddit post in the Brawl Stars subreddit sparked controversy over the game’s new mode. User Nickisnoob2911 expressed disappointment with the gameplay, particularly towards being the Godzilla character.


  • Players lament the dominance of certain characters in the new game mode.
  • The community criticizes the lack of balance and gameplay enjoyment.
  • Some feel the new event is the worst in the history of Brawl Stars.

Concerns over Game Balance

The community’s frustration stems from the overpowered nature of certain characters like Rico, Ruffs, and Meg in the new mode. These brawlers not only dominate this event but also have a significant advantage in other mutated game modes. This imbalance has led to a sense of unfairness and diminished enjoyment for many players.

Meta Formation Woes

Users highlight the rapid formation of a stagnant meta within the new mode, where only a few brawlers are continuously picked for matches. This lack of variety in team compositions detracts from the strategic depth and diversity that players expect from Brawl Stars. The repetitive nature of facing the same brawlers repeatedly has become a source of frustration for the community.

Frustration over Rewards

Even for those who manage to succeed in the new mode, the rewards offered are deemed inadequate and unappealing. Winning matches and overcoming challenges should be rewarded proportionately, but many players feel let down by the lackluster incentives provided, further adding to the discontent surrounding the event.

The Reddit post and comments indicate a mixed sentiment within the Brawl Stars community regarding the new game mode. While some players express genuine enjoyment and appreciation for the mode, a substantial portion voices frustrations and concerns over its design and execution. This divide highlights the challenge of catering to diverse player preferences and expectations in a rapidly evolving gaming landscape.