Is $100 for a Skin in Smite Worth It? Community Debate

Is $100 too much for a skin in Smite? The community shares its thoughts on the expensive cosmetic items.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite players are divided over the pricing of a $100 skin bundle, sparking a debate on the subreddit. The bundle includes more than just the skin, but some players question if the cost is justified.


  • Smite players debate the value of a $100 skin bundle.
  • Tier 5 skins in Smite are considered rare and typically released during special events.
  • Community members express concern over the high prices of cosmetics in games.

Outso187’s Insight

Outso187 points out the bundle includes more than just the skin, comparing it to buying a box of Lucky Charms for the marshmallows. They highlight that some players find value in these purchases.

ZeffoLyou’s Perspective

ZeffoLyou discusses the trend of expensive cosmetics in games, noting that companies continue to offer them due to the demand from players with the means to purchase them.

OfficialCoryBaxter’s Explanation

OfficialCoryBaxter clarifies the pricing of Tier 5 skins in Smite, emphasizing their rarity and the additional content that comes with them during events like the Odyssey.

Cerbinol’s Dilemma

Cerbinol shares their hesitation to spend on skins due to their pricing, despite wanting to support Smite. They compare the cost to purchasing a whole game instead.

Overall, the Smite community showcases a range of opinions on the pricing of cosmetics in the game. While some defend the value and rarity of these items, others question the high costs associated with virtual items. The dynamic discussion reflects differing perspectives on in-game purchases and their perceived worth.